Recent Writings / Summer-Fall 2018

A collection of my publications from recent months

Beauty in the Tensions: Reflections on a Trip to South Africa (July 13, 2018, The Gospel Coalition)

Reflections on a recent trip to the beautiful nation of South Africa.


What Hollywood Really Wants: Bible-Preaching Churches Unashamed of the Gospel (July 18, 2018, The Gospel Coalition)

An interview with Jeremy Treat, pastor at Reality L.A.


Lessons for the Church from ‘Recovery Boys’ (July 20, 2018, The Gospel Coalition)

A review of the new Netflix documentary about opioid addiction and recovery.


The Beauty of Complementarity Goes Beyond Gender (July 28, 2018, The Gospel Coalition)

Theological reflections on the ordered cosmos of binaries—man and woman, light and dark, land and sea, etc.


‘Eighth Grade’ and the Horror of Being Unknown (August 3, 2018, The Gospel Coalition)

A review of Bo Burnham’s horrifyingly awkward look at life in junior high.


‘Christopher Robin’ and Summer’s End (August 11, 2018, The Gospel Coalition)

Reflections on late summer, Dylan Thomas, and Winnie-the-Pooh.


Justice for Adolf Eichmann in ‘Operation Finale’ (August 29, 2018, The Gospel Coalition)

A review of a new film about the capture of Holocaust mastermind Adolf Eichmann.


The Christ-like Gaze in Film (September 8, 2018, The Gospel Coalition)

Three aesthetic suggestions that might help ostensibly “Christian” films feel a little bit more Christ-like.


‘The Great British Baking Show’ and the Good of (Local) Culture (September 17, 2018, The Gospel Coalition)

On delighting in food and the gift of cultural specificity.


Faith and Facebook in ‘God Friended Me’ (September 28, 2018, The Gospel Coalition)

A review of the new CBS show about belief, unbelief, and a sovereign God.


What Is ‘Smallfoot’ Saying About Faith and Science? (October 2, 2018, The Gospel Coalition)

A review of the animated film that has religion and science on its mind.


‘First Man’ Omits Something Important—and It’s Not the American Flag (October 13, 2018, The Gospel Coalition)

A review of the Ryan Gosling film about Neil Armstrong and the 1969 moon landing.


8 Ways to Battle ‘Comfort Idolatry’ (October 5, 2018, The Gospel Coalition)

Inspired by my book Uncomfortable, tips for how to attack comfort idolatry in our lives and churches.


Why ‘The Tree of Life’ Is the Best Christian Film Ever Made (October 23, 2018, The Gospel Coalition)

A lengthy, in-depth analysis of the extended version of Malick’s masterpiece.


‘Gosnell’ Is This Halloween’s Most Horrifying Film (October 25, 2018, The Gospel Coalition)

A review of the new film about the true-crime story of abortionist Kermit Gosnell.