Book Announcement: The Wisdom Pyramid

I’m excited to announce that my fourth book will be coming out in February from Crossway: The Wisdom Pyramid: Feeding Your Soul in a Post-Truth World.

Birthed out of a 2017 conference presentation in which I first presented the Wisdom Pyramid visual aid, the book offers guidance for how to daily navigate the glut of information available to us—an ordering framework for navigating the noise and the mess of our cultural moment.

Even though I finished writing the book before 2020, this year has underscored why we need it. 

Conspiracy theories. Fake news. Viral misinformation. Studies and “facts” to support whatever you want to believe. Cherry-picked data to prove any point. 

The online world is a disaster of untrustworthy information. The glut, the speed, the orientation of digital information all lead to epistemological chaos. How can we know anything? 

Short answer: We don’t need more information. We need more wisdom.

In a world of crumbling institutions, incredulous authorities, and disintegrating knowledge structures, we need to rebuild sturdier scaffolding for the building up of wisdom. At a time when poisonous ideas, toxic philosophies, and soured-by-bias news are rampant on the “menu” of our feeds and search results, we need to carefully examine our knowledge diet.

We need a diet built around knowledge-­intake that actually cultivates wisdom. We need for our mental and spiritual health what the Food Pyramid was for our physical health: guidance for what to eat and what not to eat and in what proportions, so we can become more healthy and strong. This is what The Wisdom Pyramid is about. It’s a plan for stabilizing a sick society by making us wiser: God-­fearing, trustworthy truth-­tellers and truth­-livers in a post-truth world.

This book is the shortest one I’ve written, but (I hope) the most packed with practical wisdom and helpful insight. My goal is to give readers a simple framework and quick reference guide for navigating today’s overwhelming, oversaturated information landscape. I want to offer Christians, especially, guidance for cultivating wisdom in this confusing age by knowing where to go (and where not to go) to find truth.

If The Wisdom Pyramid sounds interesting to you or someone in your life, you can pre-order it on Amazon or sign up to receive updates on the book.

You can also listen to this in-depth podcast interview I did recently, discussing the book’s concept and how it might help us with the present challenges we face.

And finally, here’s a first look at the book cover: