Songs for Fall 2009

Because “Autumn” in L.A. is negligible at best, I have to live my seasons vicariously through media. I tend to make music playlists, for example, to play in my car or iPod whenever I want to feel like I’m living in some crisp, fall-like place. I do this for other seasons as well. It works fairly well, I think.

Anyway, the following is my “Autumn 2009″ playlist. Buy these songs!

"Kettering” – The Antlers: If you haven't heard The Antlers CD, Hospice, I highly recommend it. Gloriously mournful and utterly moving.

“Inside It All Feels the Same” – Explosions in the Sky: Explosions in the Sky makes music that I will always associate with fall, maybe because I’ll always associate them with Friday Night Lights.

“Someone Else's Life” – Joshua Radin: Achingly romantic song that brings to mind autumn in New York (mostly because of its use in the movie Adam)

“Guilty Cubicles” – Broken Social Scene: Aptly used in the film Half Nelson, this song has one of the most curiously appropriate titles ever.

“Pulling Our Weight” – The Radio Dept: A fall mix would not be complete without some neo-shoegazer lamentation from The Radio Dept!

“Don't Bother They're Here” – Stars of the Lid: Minimalist instrumental to pop on the headphones when on a bus driving through the Cascade Mountains on a rainy November day (as I did last year).

“Ohio” – Damien Jurado: Harmonica, acoustic guitar, and Damien Jurado singing about going home. What more could you ask?

“4 Minute Warning” – Radiohead: The best song off of In Rainbows Disc 2. Cryptic, sullen, worn out in all the best ways.

“Constants Are Changing” – Boards of Canada: The title says it all.

“Diamond Heart” – Marissa Nadler: This thoroughly seasonal song is about missing your love through the fall and winter... and scattering a loved one's ashes in the snow.

“Mexican Blue” – Jolie Holland: Epic, simple love song that gets better and better with every year. Highly suggest checking it out.

“We're Gonna Pull Through” – Over the Rhine: A song of hope in a season of dark nights and cold days.

“Monoplain” – Susan Enan: A beautiful, quiet, heartbreaking gem from an under-appreciated Irish singer/songwriter.

“Guaranteed” – Eddie Vedder: One of many great songs from Vedder’s spectacular Into the Wild soundtrack.

“The Golden Day is Dying” – Hem: Nearly acapella and full of gorgeous harmonies, this song from Hem is exactly as the title would imply.

“Curse Your Branches” – David Bazan: It's a song about red, orange, and yellow leaves. Well, not exactly. But it's still pretty autumnal.

“Happiness” – Riceboy Sleeps: Excellent post-rock minimalism from the Sigur Ros frontman Jonsi.

“Gentle Moon” – Sun Kil Moon: Beautiful song from the classic Sun Kil Moon album Ghosts of the Great Highway, a quintessential coldweather album.

"Dear God (Sincerely M.O.F.)" – Monsters of Folk: The first and best track on the collaboration album from Conor Oberst, Matt Ward, Jim James and Mike Mogis.

“Search for Delicious” – Panda Bear: My new favorite Panda Bear song. It is so understated and yet so expressive--in a cold, urban sort of way.